Join CTCL for Two New Courses in Communicating Trusted Election Information Training Series
CTCL is pleased to announce two new free courses in our Communicating Trusted Election Information series: “Educating and persuading public officials” and “Working with the media.” Registration for the June sessions is now open.
Public confidence in elections is essential to the functioning of U.S. democracy. But the people who tirelessly work to administer our elections continue to face a barrage of false information about voting. It’s hard for voters to know how to navigate the election system. And worse, some are unsure whether they should trust it at all—even as election officials like you administer the most secure elections, with the most voters, in US history.
Voters aren’t the only ones trying to make sense of elections. Even influential leaders like journalists and public officials don’t always have the accurate information they need to do their jobs. The result can be less informative media coverage and legislation that may not accommodate how election administrators actually serve voters.
To help election administrators educate the media and policymakers with confidence, CTCL has developed two new free courses as part of our Communicating Trusted Election Information training series. The 90-minute trainings will be delivered live online and are completely free for election officials. We invite you to join us for the following sessions:
Educating and persuading public officials
Tuesday, June 14th at 1:00pm CT
- Confidently inform policymakers about how you administer elections
- Establish and maintain trusted relationships with public officials
- Get involved in initiatives advancing practical and voter-centric policies
Guest speaker: Tabatha Clemons, County Clerk, Grant County, KY
Working with the media
Thursday, June 16th at 1:00pm CT
- Make the most of media coverage to educate voters
- Counter misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation in the press
- Develop productive relationships with credible journalists
Guest speakers: Jessica Huseman, Editorial Director, Votebeat and Yangmee Lor, Community Outreach Coordinator, Adams County, Colorado
These courses join the existing sessions in the series:
- Improving your election website
- Accessible communication for election offices
- Social media for voter engagement
- Combating election misinformation
Registration is now closed. We look forward to seeing you there!
Questions about the training series? Email us at